Monday, February 14, 2011

valentines day

Valentines 2011-
I’m not a romantic by any means whatsoever. I hear about all these inventive things men do for their wives such as leaving “I love you” post-its all over, or planning secret weekend getaways with their wives. The most romantic thing I can ever think of doing is dinner and a movie. I know I’m not the greatest father alive, but I am a good father. I know I’m not the strongest Christian, but I try to keep my faith strong. I am beginning to see though, I am far from being the husband I should be.

I spend so much time focusing on how to be a better man of God, and how to be a better father that I completely forget that there is a starving and deprived woman in my life. I am at a point where I don’t know what the best thing I can do for her is. I have a difficult enough time thinking outside the box as it is, let alone trying to figure out something loving I can do for my wife.
If you were to ask me, when I was a dating my wife, for a list of 100 things I loved about her, I would have it signed, sealed, and delivered in no more than an hour. I have tried working a list like this recently, and can’t seem to get beyond ten or twenty. I have completely broken her heart and made her feel completely unappreciated and undesired.
I know if my daughter were to marry someone who eventually tossed her aside like an old glove, I would probably be out for blood. Here was my wife, depending on me to meet her desire for love, happiness, and spontaneity, and I just don’t care. I’d prefer to wait till she got upset about never being without kids before planning a date. I’d prefer to wait until she’s so worn out and distraught before making any attempt to be a better man.
So to my wife, if and when you read this. I am sorry I have taken you for granted over the past couple years. I will remember from now on to spend equal time working on our marriage and relationship together as I spend working on being a father. I promise to love you without lacking, and meet your desires to the best of my abilities.

1 comment:

  1. Marriage is a wonderful, sometimes difficult partnership. In the 36 years we have been married, I continue to realize that our marriage is best when we focus on putting our partner's needs and wishes above our own...sacrificial loving. It isn't always easy but it makes for a happy home and life. Blessings as you continue growing your love. :o)
